You get those times when everything seems to go wrong, the cat is sick and it is looking serious and expensive.
Mother in law is very time demanding as she recovers froma long illness. My mum has to go for further test and is worried sick. My dad is upset as his pet guinea pig died at the weekend.
We seem just to be lurching from one crisis to another. I am not sure who our new year 'first foot' was but they are definately sacked for next year.
As a form of stress relief I have been scrapping when I have spare time. I have enjoyed creating quickpages and have loaded some freebies on the website HERE
I have realised that the photos screw up my design processes. so I have designed the page first with just a place for the photos and then find a photo to fit in the design. I know it seems like I am scrapping backwards but it works for me,
This one was based on a free template available from digi shop talk forum and using the wonderland kit from createwings.
Mother in law is very time demanding as she recovers froma long illness. My mum has to go for further test and is worried sick. My dad is upset as his pet guinea pig died at the weekend.
We seem just to be lurching from one crisis to another. I am not sure who our new year 'first foot' was but they are definately sacked for next year.
As a form of stress relief I have been scrapping when I have spare time. I have enjoyed creating quickpages and have loaded some freebies on the website HERE
I have realised that the photos screw up my design processes. so I have designed the page first with just a place for the photos and then find a photo to fit in the design. I know it seems like I am scrapping backwards but it works for me,
This one was based on a free template available from digi shop talk forum and using the wonderland kit from createwings.
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