The first layout is of my eldest granddaughter Amyleigh who now wants to be know as just Amy. The second brag book page is of a friend Nic on our night out to a casino. Two very different looks from one kit.
They say all things happen for a reason. However, we dont think of that when someting goes wrong, we only look on the downside. Two weeks ago I couldn't upload my new kit to my online digital scrapbooking store. I tried several FTP packages but gave up. Then It wouldn't let me log in to adminster the store. " The computer said no !" I left for a few days until I received and email from a customer ( I dont get many, customers that is not emails) who stated hat she had ordered items but did not receive the download link. Oh dear, there really was somethng wrong with the site and I didn't know how to fix it. What I did know was how to create a new site, the previous one was three years old and I must admit it had lots of unnecessary files in the back that I was unsure whether I could delete or remove. I also wanted to update the design but was unwilling to mess up a live working site. You know the old saying, "if it's not broke dont fix it", well not i...
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